Tuesday, December 25

Only in St. Thomas

Oh, how I've missed being home!

Life Enthusiast

Monday, November 26


3am, studyin' in the morning,
Gotta be awake, gotta drink red bull,
Gotta have my notes, gotta have my textbooks,
Reading’ everything, the time is goin’
Tickin’ on and on, my roommates are sleepin'
Gotta get on the Dean's List,
Gotta get good grades, I need a break...

Sunday, November 25


It upsets me when girls make statements along the lines of, "I'd rather have curves than be a stick...", when I am within ear range and the comment is directed to me
I get it.
You say it too make yourself feel better about your body.
But you don't have to make others feel insecure about their body types in the process.

Life Enthusiast

Saturday, November 24


Muffie got more likes on her picture on my Instagram than I got on a picture of myself.
Muffie is a cat.
A cat.
A fricken adorable cat.
But still a cat.

Life Enthusiast

Friday, November 23

How To Train Your Dragon

I'm watching "How to Train Your Dragon" with 10 year olds.
I was the only one cheering when Hiccups father saved Toothless.
Something's wrong here.
What's wrong with these kids?
Or what's wrong with me?
I don't know which question to ask...

Life Enthusiast

Tyler Posey

Does Tyler Posey's mustache/ beard...

Bother noone....


Life Enthusiast


My aunt is suspicious.
Apparently, spending the day sitting in my batcave getting a head start on homework is *not* something I should be doing during my Thanksgiving Break.

What else is there to do?
Watch TV?
I'd rather be reading about Neanderthals' scapular glenoid fossa.


Life enthusiast

Thursday, June 7

Sweded Version of Law Abiding Citizen Trailer

I made this sweded video of the Law Abiding Citizen movie trailer a while ago. For those of you who do not know what a swede video is, it is a recreation of a film (or in this case trailer) using a limited budget and a camera. It was so much fun to do, especially because I was incredibly bored!

Friday, May 4

Little Cuties'

Reasons Why You Shouldn't Look Down on Children

^^I just read this article about how this young boy saw an error on a map in a museum and was almost shooed away by the museum receptionist because she thought that since he was a little kid, there was no way he could be correct. Actually, he WAS correct. This article really irritated me, adults constantly look down upon children, they believe that they are better than them and that they know more when in reality, some are very precocious. Am I the only one who gets upset when there are instances like these. This little boy found a mistake that hundreds of adults looked over. They owe him an apology. -.-

Wednesday, February 1

Alzheimer's Disease

She looks at me and stares blankly with her big brown eyes. She doesn’t remember. My mother says my eyes are just like hers. “Pretty brown eyes must skip a generation,” I joke as the nurse feeds my grandmother. “Open,” the nurse tells her soothingly, “She forgot how to eat,” she then tells me. “I have to remind her after every bite to chew, and then swallow…” “Can we all go for a walk?” I ask my mother. “She forgot how to walk…” my mother tells me, “But when you were younger, she used to go walking with you everyday…Do you remember those days? She used to read you a story every night before bed too?” I shake my head. It was too long ago. I don’t remember those days. I can imagine my grandmother and myself walking in my neighborhood, but I don’t have an actual memory of it. My grandmother died on February 28th 2007 from Alzheimer’s. When I was about 5, she was in the early stage. Waking up in the middle of the night, walking to Waterfront, not knowing how she got there. Thinking there were robbers in the house when there was no one. Forgetting the faces of her own children. Misplacing valuable jewelry, then calling the cops saying that someone broke in when the jewelry was right on her dressing table. Then as the disease progressed, she started forgetting how to walk, how to eat, how to do daily tasks. Unable to live by herself anymore, my mother put her in a nursing home, where there would be people there to take care for her, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Then in the final stage, my grandmother was wheelchair bound, and she never talked. She forgot how to do that too. The only word I ever remember her saying was uttered one day when the nurses were stretching her. It was “fuck!” not exactly the last word you wish to hear your grandmother say, but I will take it any day over silence. When my grandmother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, there were no drugs she could use to stop the disease. There still isn’t, however, there are now drugs that can be used to slow the progression of it. Today, those with Alzheimer’s disease can choose between multiple of drugs including; Aricept, Exelon, Razadyne and Namenda. However, the cause of Alzheimer is still unknown. All they know is that if it runs in your family, you have a high risk of getting it, and if you’re a female, you have an even greater risk. Many scientists believe that Alzheimer's disease results from an increase in the production of a beta-amyloid protein in the brain that leads to nerve cell death. This hypothesis is known as the “Amyloid Cascade Hypothesis”. Ten percent of people over 65 years of age and 50% of those over 85 years of age have Alzheimer's disease. By 2050, about 14 to 15 million people will develop Alzheimer’s disease, unless there are new treatments. Some factors that increase the risk for Alzheimer’s disease include high blood-pressure and diabetes. Symptoms include memory loss, mild personality changes, misplacing objects, problems with critical thinking, disorientation, and loss of conversation skills. The beginning of Alzheimer’s disease is usual gradual, but as the disease progresses, everything speeds up. There are also 3 different stages of Alzheimer’s, Stage 1(mild), Stage 2(Moderate) and Stage 3(Severe). Stage 1 can last about 2 to 4 years, and during this stage, those with Alzheimer’s are easily confused, have slight memory loss, start having problems communicating, and misplace objects. Stage 2 can last from 2 years to 10 years, the longest of the three stages. During this stage, those with Alzheimer’s become disabled, start forgetting recent events, have trouble recognizing familiar people such as close family and friends, have even more difficulty with talking, reading and writing, and are no longer safe to be on their own. The final stage, Stage 3, lasts from about 1 year to 3 years. People with Alzheimer’s in this stage can no longer feed themselves, speak, recognize people, and have no control over bodily functions, such as eating. The Alzheimer's Disease Research is a program of the American Health Assistance Foundation, dedicated to researching the causes of Alzheimer’s, and ways to prevent the disease. Recent studies have now shown that Aerobic exercise can reduce the risk of any form of dementia, and so may diabetes. Having a good night sleep can also reduce the risk of getting Alzheimer’s and so can getting enough Vitamin B12, which will also result in better thinking skills. There is still no known cause, and no cure, but there now more ways to slow down the process.

Wednesday, January 25

Inverted Compliment

As I trudge pass your laundry, The thought of you floats through my head. I can’t help it when the corners of my mouth defy gravity, If my eyes start to sparkle, Or, if my nose cringes.


Ink fades onto the crisp, white sheets,
Lanky fingers grip the blue pen.
Words appear and then disappear
Under slashes and x’s.
T’s get crossed,
I’s dotted,
And once again words get sliced out, whited out, blued out.
Thoughts are mottled in frustration,
Once crisp and clean, the white sheet is crumbled, crushed,
Thrown out to join the pile of other lost white sheets.

The writer lifts her hands to her tangled head, sighs, thinking,
“I can’t write poetry… Stanzas, lines, rhythm… Things I cannot do…”

She slouches on the side of her bed,
Looks out her lifeless bay window overlooking the empty water.
She envisions herself - a poet laureate, a despondent dream.
She briefly clears her mind, closes her drained eyes.

After a pause.

She retrieves the once clean, crisp, now crumbled and crushed white sheet.
Deliberately opens it, careful not to tear the edges.
Her eyes flow over the words, over x’s and slashes and over crossed t’s and dotted i’s
And over the whited out and blued out and realizes…
The pen has spilled its ink.

Sunday, December 18

Unfamiliar Places

People don’t cringe at the unfamiliarity of a place,
They cringe at the memories of unfamiliarity,
And the loneliness,
And seclusion that come along with it.
Thus holding them back from trying to make a place familiar,
And therefore ranking it with all the past
Unfamiliar places.

Thursday, December 15

The Pulse

Let it make you.
Let it give you life.
Let it give you a reason to live your life.

Let it make you want to move and sway,
And make you want to smile.
Let it give you the energy to do so,
And let it give you innocence.

Let is love you.
Let it work with you.
Let it help hold yourself together.

Because without your pulse, you might as well be dead...
And lost…
And left helpless.

Take advantage f every pulse you are given.
Be grateful for every move you can make.
Some don’t have a chance.
Some pulses are weak.
You are one of the lucky few, the chosen few, to see another day.
But love it; treasure it and every breath you take.
You only have once heart that pulses, that gives you life.

Let it make you.
Let it give you life.
Let it give you a reason to live your life

Let it make you want to laugh or cry,
And make you want to sing out loud.
Let it give you happiness and satisfaction,
And let it give you everything.

My Life

You are living the life I want to live,
Breathing in my air.
Talking to those who I care about,
As though they are your friends.

Where did you come from?
And what are you doing here?
You are living the life I want to live.
Some things you really shouldn’t pretend.

You take credit for my work,
And watch every move I make
You’re starting to wear my clothes,
And acting how I behave.

You are living the life I want to live,
My life. And it’s one you cannot take.
I will fight for my right to live it, too.
Because it’s worth the risk to save.

I don’t get what’s wrong with your own life,
You have your own loves and fears.
Stop living my life, and now live yours,
Live your own stories, and make your own friends. 

Saturday, December 10

Roses are Red, Violets Are Blue, Poetry is quite Hard, Especially with Rhyme Schemes...

Poetry has always been a bit hard fer me. I like things with rhythm. But I can never get a set rhythm to work with. I also like rhyming, but I don't have an extensive vocabulary either. So... my next few posts will be about.. you guessed... POETRY...

*whooo hooooo*
*partyy overr hereeeee*

...and then some free verse stuff... I kind of like free verse more nowadays. It can be anything. Like the last line I wrote can be called free verse. You can do whatever you want. There's no patterns, no rhythms. You are literally "free" to "verse".

Thursday, December 8

Meet Lazy

The LAST thing on my mind right now is doing homework or doing chores. Actually the last thing on my mind is doing ANYTHING. Right now all I want to do is lie down and watch television. Or I can start thinking about what videos I want to make for my portfolio. But that’s work, and that requires my brains neurons to do something, so nah! I’m good just lying here doing absolutely nothing at all. I live for moments like these. When my brain doesn’t have to do any work. When my brain doesn’t have to do anything. When I can just procrastinate and procrastinate and procrastinate, and not care that I’m procrastinating. I can let my mind wonder far, far, far away from anything related to school and college and my life. I can get lost in my daydreams and get whisked away by my prince riding in a white and gold chariot with a single unicorn moving it slowly along. Then I can soar through the air and fly south with the migrating birds. I can just stop mid air and drop down, letting the wind hit my face like I’m falling through thousands and thousands of feathers. Then I can plunge into the ocean and swim through the Mariana Trench. But I do have work that needs to get done for tomorrow and I may not want to do it, but I have to… So long my fair prince, so long my fellow flocking birds, so long deep-sea creatures of the dark ocean, I’m off to finish my college supplements, and do my 2 essays due tomorrow...