Wednesday, June 8

Up&Coming Stars: Elizabeth Olsen

I was unaware that Mark Kate and Ashley even had a little sister! To tell you the truth, if i saw Elizabeth Olsen on the street, i would have thought it was either  Mary Kate or Ashley with a new hair styler. They look so much alike, except i have to say that Elizabeth is prettier!

Elizabeth Olsen

Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen

Im not the only one who sees the striking resemblance right? Anyway Elizabeth "Lizzie" Olsen has been making headlines recently. She is taking time off from NYU to promote two of her films at the Sundance Film Festival. She has wanted to be an actress since she was young, she had grown up in studios after all. But it will be challenging for her, shes going to have to live up to the expectations of being an Olsen. I think she can! So far, she hasnt been in much films but she has been in Our First Video, How the West Was Fun, Martha Marcy May Marlene, Silent House, Peace, Love and Misuderstanding, Red Lights and Liberal Arts. In 2013, she is set to star alongside Dakota Fanning in Very Good Girls. She's slowly making her way up the ranks and its interesting that her older sisters have not watched her newst films or have been to her last Film Festival. Are they worried that their little sister might become more famous than them? Are the jealous? Hmm... Im really curious to find out.
Anyway, Elizabeth Olsen, I'll google your name in about 6 months and see hwo far you've come along. I wish you luck! :)