Monday, August 1

The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy

ugh! I wouldnt recommend this book to ANYONE! And for ME to say that, it must be pretty bad, this book has taken me 18 days to read, and Im still not done! I usually finish books in less than 5 days! I go through more books than a stoner goes through weed! My life revolves around reading! So when i come across a book that I dont have a desire to finish, it makes me angry! VERY angry! Arundhati Roy is a great writer, I will admit that! But he's just. like. Charles. Dickens. Wordy. Extremely descriptive. Hard to follow. And not interesting. It didnt grab my attention. I tried to finish it, I tried to focus, but it came to the point where I found the smallest things to distract me. A mosquito near my door. A trophy on my shelf that's not lined up with the rest of them. A pair of shoes on my floor that I needed to put away. A stain on my pillow. Instead of finishing that book, I decided to clean my room. Did you read that? I'll repeat it just in case. I decided to clean my room, than finish reading The God of Small Things. Thats not a good thing, lol. Not a good thing at all.

My advice. Don' even bother reading this book. Its not worth $15.00.

...Maybe in about 5 years I'll come back to this book and try to reread it... Maybe Im too young to appreciate i and fully understand the message that Arundhati Roy is trying to let her readers know... Maybe be... Until then, whenever then is, this book will stay on my bookshelf. Perhaps I'll store it on the bottom shelf, where the rest of the books I severely dislike go :)

Good day!