friends are boy-obsessed teenagers. And it’s annoying the hell out of me. It
wouldn’t be so bad if there was someone else out there who believes that there
is more to life besides having a boyfriend. But I only have 3 best friends. And
all 3 are boy-obsessed. Let me just tell you straight up that I am not jealous.
I’ve had boyfriends in the past, and I like
being single. I like being
independent. I like not having to
call or text someone because it’s the norm. I don’t need someone to tell me I’m
beautiful. Hell, I already know I’m beautiful, and if I wanted attention from a
guy, any guy I could just walk down Main Street and I’ll bet you $30 that I’ll
get at least 3 honks, and a “Hey sexy” from every passing guy. I've come to the
conclusion that my friends just like the male attention. It’s like they need to
have a guy in their life. It’s a necessity to them. But hey, it’s their life! But what really annoys me is when they tell me
“You don’t understand Felisa. You’ve never been in my situation.” Well sorry
that I don’t do long term relationships. Sorry I haven’t found that one guy who
I’m completely in love with. I was just trying to help. Thanks for making me
bad about myself. Really, “best friends.” Thanks. But seriously, that just
pisses me off. I’m glad I haven’t been in their situations. I’m glad that I’m
still enjoying my youth without being tied down. To me, being in a relationship
is stupid when I’m still in high school. I have far more important things to
worry about in my life. And my life does not revolve around boys. Sure every
once in a while, I’ll go out on a date with a guy I like, but it’s nothing
serious. In my opinion, we are far too young to know what love is. And I’m not
in any rush to get my heart crushed. Just writing about this is pissing me off.
Next time one of my friends comes to me for an opinion I’ll just be like,
“Sorry, remember I don’t understand what you’re going through so talk to *******.
Or talk to *******.” -.-